April 2018: Report Card Season

AWE and ELI release a 5-year state scorecard update, finding a better word than ‘drought’, adopt-a-drain and WaterSense. All this and more in our monthly wrap up.

January ’18: Battling ‘Day Zero’

The drought in Cape Town, a startup is selling unfiltered, untreated spring water, mobile numbers that’ll make your head spin. All this and more in our monthly wrap up.

Resources for your Spanish-speaking community

Not everybody has the bandwidth or staff count to produce materials for their Spanish-speaking community, so we’ve pulled together some resources over the past couple months that you and your staff might found helpful.

December ’17: The West Is On Fire

Fires in California are out of control, Michael Phelps shares a viral video about conservation, the year of data and a year-in-review. All this and more in our monthly wrap up.

September ’17 – Money for Water

The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Draw on your customers, record breaking heat and a pilot project. All this and more in our monthly wrap up.

The Costs Of Water Modernization

To implement much-needed water infrastructure repair and development, water utilities must find effective ways to communicate with their customers. Utilities that invest in their customer relationships today will benefit today, tomorrow, and every day afterwards.

Great Things Happen When You Speak Your Customer’s Language

Residential water providers will increasingly need the backing from their ratepayers as infrastructure and delivery costs mount. That support will stem from modern, digitally driven relationships, and those relationships can start with as simple a gesture as communicating in the same language.